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June 2020, on one of the hottest days of the year (38 with the humidex), I received a text from Brianne letting me know that her water broke. I was excited, not only that I would once again witness and capture the birth of my niece or nephew, but also to see my sister for the first time (other than outside, 6 feet apart) in 3 months since the beginning of the pandemic. When I received the text from Aaron later that afternoon to come over, expecting a similar birth to Rielle’s, I gathered my things, hurried but not rushed. Making my way there with a bit of an ease thinking I knew what was about to come.

When I got there, I immediately knew things were different. Waiting outside the door to get screened before coming in, I could hear the difference. Little did I know that, when I joined them upstairs the midwife would tell me that this baby was coming right away… or that within 10 minutes of me getting there I would have another niece, barely making it on time to capture the moment (the midwives having only arrived there 30 minutes or so before me)… or that she would come so quickly that the water running in the tub wouldn’t catch her, but rather she would join us then and there beside it.

And just like that, Brianne and Aaron welcomed their third daughter Talia, the second one in the comfort of their home. I remember Brianne saying to Talia “Merci d’être venue si vite” (thank you for coming so quickly). Once the midwives left, we made our way to the main level, sharing some birthing snacks and I remember it feeling peaceful; my sister who had just given birth caring so naturally for her new daughter. It was such a contrast to the whirlwind I had walked into only a few short hours before. The next day, from 6+ feet apart, I got to witness Talia meet her two older sisters for the very first time.

Witnessing Talia’s birth, like her sisters’, is an honour and privilege I will never take for granted. In a year filled with grief, sacrifices, and moments unshared, Talia’s birth was such an important reminder of the beauty, the joy, the love, and the hope that remains.


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